Fire Stories is the saga of brave and inventive firemen from the days of the horse-drawn apparatus to the motorization and modernization of the FDNY firefighting fleet. Fire Stories captures the spirit of the pioneering men who battled increasingly difficult and dangerous fires as the city’s skyline soared beyond the reach of their wooden ladders. It’s the story of Italian, German and Irish emigrants who rose through the ranks and set the standard for modern firefighters. How the new motorized apparatus improved response times. How a new high-pressure hydrant system provided a reliable and quick water source. And how smoke helmets allowed the members of the Rescue Companies to venture into some of the most dangerous places firefighters had ever faced. Fifty rare photographs enhance the impact of these incredibly powerful real-life Fire Stories.
Hawk on 09/08/2020 01:56pm
Enjoyable reading and an eye opener for a newbie or fire buff.